Performance Audit of Tribal Sub Plan All India Report (2008-2014)
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In view of specific provisions contained in the Constitution of India for protection and development of Scheduled Tribes, a number of legislative and executive
measures have been taken by the government since independence. Successive five year plans attempted to bridge the gap between the living conditions of the
general population and the Scheduled Tribes. The main aim of the TSP strategy formulated by the central Government in 1970s was to narrow the development
gaps of the tribal population with the rest of the country. Tribal sub plan in fact, is a planning strategy and not a programme by itself, incorporating, at present, 28 ministries and departments and its implementing agencies at the central and state levels.
We had received requests from various stake holders including parliamentarians, stressing that an audit of programmes and schemes meant for comparatively
backward sections of society especially schedule tribes was called for. In the past Audit Reports containing findings on programmes and schemes for benefit of
scheduled caste (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) were submitted by us but Tribal Sub‐Plan, as such had not been the focus area of any of our recent Reports. TSP guidelines were extensively revised in the year 2010. We therefore decided to take up this audit during 2014‐15.
Auditing TSP was challenging due to its vast scope. We have, therefore, focussed on selected components of education and health sectors only. This Report
contains result of audit of the implementation of TSP and delivery of schemes and programmes funded through it for the benefit of tribal population.
We noted that the earmarked TSP funds under various schemes and programmes of 28 central ministries and departments were not channelized at the state level for utilisation towards the benefit of tribals. Our audit of sample districts with significant Scheduled Tribes presence noted absence of need based planning for tribals leading to deficient infrastructure and facilities for health care and lack of support to ST students in critical areas of education sector. The Report brings out in detail the status of implementation of TSP strategy and makes recommendations for its better governance.
This report has been prepared for submission to the President under Article 151of the Constitution of India. The audit has been conducted in conformity with the
auditing standards issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.