Performance Audit of National AIDS Control Progrmme in Tripura
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To combat HIV/AIDS, the National AIDS Control Programme was introduced in 1987 for countrywide implementation. The programme has moved through three phases since its launching. The GOI negotiated with the World Bank and the International Development Association (IDA) to support a full-fledged National AIDS Control Project (NACP-I covering the period 1992-99 and NACP-II covering the period 1999-2004). In Tripura, The programme was implemented by the Programme Officer of the State AIDS Cell up to 1998-99 and thereafter by the Project Director of State AIDS Control Society (hereinafter called the Society) through four Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of all the four districts, four Medical Superintendents of State and District Hospitals, 10 Sub-Divisional Medical Officers, nine Rural Hospitals, 61 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and 19 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The performance audit revealed that the main objective of the Programme was not fulfilled in the State due to lack of effective planning, inadequate infrastructure as well as inadequate laboratory testing facilities, shortage of laboratory technicians, and non-availability of medicines for treatment. The performance of the intervention projects suffered due to non-formulation of viable projects according to the core principles of the programme.