Functioning of Mathura Das Mathur Hospital Jodhpur Rajasthan (2013-2018)
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Mathura Das Mathur (MDM) Hospital, Jodhpur is the largest hospital in the western region of Rajasthan providing referral and tertiary healthcare services. Though, the number of patients increased from 7.38 lakh to 11.85 lakhs during 2012-17, the augmentation of its facilities was not commensurate to the increasing load of patients. Resource management was weak as Operation Theaters (OTs), Intensive Care Units (ICUs) and wards suffered from many infrastructural deficiencies and shortages of Medical Officers and nursing staff. Beneficiaries were deprived of free drugs as all the essential drugs were not available. Due to insufficient resources, various important hospital services like number of OPD days in a week, consultation time per patient and diagnostic services suffered. The hospital was not following the legal/regulatory requirements regarding management of bio-medical waste, patient safety and hospital safety. Thus, mismanagement of resources of the hospital coupled with weaknesses in planning and monitoring resulted in deficiencies in the services being provided to the beneficiaries.