Performance Audit of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan in Rajasthan (2013-2018)

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CAG of India
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Government of India (GoI) launched Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in March 2009 to make good quality education available, accessible and affordable to all young persons in the age group of 14-18 years and integrated (July 2013) implementation of Information & Communication Technology, construction of Girls Hostels, Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) and Vocational Education with RMSA from the year 2013-14. A Performance Audit of Implementation of RMSA conducted in 225 test checked schools of nine districts revealed following significant audit findings:

  1. High-level task force and Core Groups were not constituted at state and district level respectively. Perspective plan was not prepared at district level and in 96 per cent of test checked schools, annual plans were not prepared. Out of 1,51,042, 34,065 habitations (22.55 per cent) did not have access to Secondary schools within the prescribed limit of five kms and 33.56 per cent of children remained out of the purview of secondary school. As a result, the vision of RMSA to ensure universal access of secondary education by 2017 was not fully achieved.
  2. The Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) was more than the prescribed limit in 44 per cent of the test checked schools. This pointed to the asymmetrical distribution of teachers amongst schools, which was not reflected in the overall state level PTR. The prescribed minimum of five subject teachers were not posted in 62 per cent of the test checked schools. Out of 14,103 schools, State Government could not provide science laboratories in 10,216 schools, art/craft/culture rooms in 10,093 schools, computer rooms in 9,971 schools, library in 9,737 schools and playground in 5,340 schools even after lapse of nine years of implementation of RMSA. Further, no rooms for secondary classes were found available in eight out of 225 test checked schools and in 47 per cent of test checked schools, the classrooms were overcrowded with a student strength ranging from 51 to 167.
  3. The Gross Enrollment Ratio in Classes IX and X in the State increased from 71.12 per cent (2013-14) to 78.87 per cent (2017-18), even though it could not attain the goal of universal access of Secondary Education by 2017. The dropout rate in Class IX in test checked schools was much higher than state average of 2.16 per cent. There was shortfall of 92.04 per cent and 80.58 per cent in imparting of in-service training for teachers and induction training to newly recruited teachers respectively during 2013-18.
  4. In 155 test checked schools, ICT scheme was being conducted without dedicated teachers and any prescribed syllabus.
  5. The significant migration of students from government schools to other management schools in Class IX points to need for the government schools to improve quality of education imparted.
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