Performance Audit on Establishment and Upgradation of Wovt Women's IITs and Govt Women's Polytechnics in Jharkhand (2009-2014)

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CAG of India
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National Policy on Skill Development provides for equal access to skill development to all social groups particularly women and disadvantaged sections of society to help them in securing decent employment. For this purpose, Government Women Industrial Training Institutes (WITIs) and Government Women Polytechnics (GWPs) in the State were established. The main objectives of WITIs and GWPs were to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers to industry. Performance Audit of establishment and upgradation of Government Women ITIs and Government Women Polytechnics in Jharkhand was conducted between February to September 2014.

It was observed that WITIs suffered from several shortcomings, such as (i) existing trades in Women ITIs, Ranchi and Jamshedpur were not upgraded, (ii) sanctioned trades were not in operation whereas some unpopular trades were being operated in WITIs, (iii) State Vocational trade certificates were issued to successful trainees by the State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT), which was provisional in nature as SCVT was not authorized to grant affiliation of any trade (iv) Strengthening and modernization of Government Women Polytechnics (GWPs) could not be done and GWPs remained deficient of equipment. Besides, there was lack of infrastructure, shortage of tools & equipment, teaching and non-teaching staff in test-checked units.

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