CAG of India2024-07-212024-07-2104-04-2018 Institute lacked an established procedure in the form of a Procurement Manual that could ensure effective procurement management and timely acquisitions of equipment based on a holistic and systematic assessment of requirements. This resulted in procurements being made on an ad hoc basis, rush of expenditure towards the end of the financial year and delays in progressing of procurement cases. The Institute also failed to effectively invoke contractual remedies available to it where the supplier did not fulfil their contractual obligations with delay in levy of penalty amounting to ₹ 72.77 lakh for delay in supply or installation of equipment and incorrect calculation of downtime and non-recovery of penalty of about ₹ 1.46 crore for excess downtime with reference to the contractual terms. This undermined both the deterrent effect of the penal provisions as well as the Institute’s ability to enforce due performance of the contract by the suppliers.EnglishProcurement and Maintenance of Equipment in PGIMER ChandigarhAudit Report