CAG of India2024-06-272024-06-2710-12-2019 blood banks could not make significant progress in phasing out replacement donors to achieve target of 100 per cent voluntary blood donation (VBD) as envisaged in the National Blood Policy. Information, Education and Communication activities carried out by State Blood Transfusion Council (SBTC) for promotion of voluntary blood donation was inadequate. There was significant difference in the percentage of VBD as per Annual Report of SBTC and figures obtained from the selected blood banks. Out of 35 blood banks in the State, 13 were operating with expired licence from five months to twenty years. Only 22 regular inspections could be carried out against 96 inspections required to be conducted during the period 2015-18. None of the blood banks selected by audit were inspected during 2015-18. Out of eight selected blood banks, five were not calibrating equipment in prescribed time. The Donor and the Master Registers were not being maintained in complete form as prescribed in the Act.EnglishFunctioning of Blood Banks in UttarakhandAudit Report