CAG of India2023-08-022023-08-022004 the State level, in Arunachal Pradesh the first phase of the programme (National AIDS Control Programme-I) was implemented by the State AIDS Control Cell (SACC) created in 1992 under the Directorate of Health Services and Family Welfare which functioned from 1992 to March 1999. From April 1999 the implementation of the programme (NACP-II) was entrusted to the Arunachal Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (APSACS). APSACS formed in November 1998 has the Secretary (Health & Family Welfare Department) as the ex-officio Chairman, and the Director of Health Services (DHS) as its Vice-Chairman. APSACS is headedby a Project Director assisted by a State Aids Programme Officer (SAPO) who is also Member Secretary of the Society and functions as Chief Executive. In addition, APSACS has 16 other members from different departments of the Arunachal Pradesh Government including two members from Non Governmental Organisations. At district level the programme is implemented by District Medical Officers supported by para-medical staff. The performance audit of implementation of NACP-II in Arunachal Pradesh during the period 1998-99 to 2002-03 was reviewed by the CAG of India based on test check of records of office of the Project Director of APSACS, three out of 15 District Medical Officers (DMOs), two STD clinics, two blood banks and two out of 4 NGOs covering 87 percentage of total expenditure. The performance audit revealed that the programme was not effectively managed and implemented in Arunachal Pradesh. The achievements under the sub-components were not substantial and in most of the cases, targets were not fixed. Sexually transmitted disease clinics and blood banks were not strengthened as required under the guidelines. Condom delivery system failed to take off due to non-purchase of condoms after April 2000 and non-utilisation of condom held in stock. APSACS failed to implement the programme as per guideline after incurring an expenditure of Rs. 5.47 crore, despite availability of sufficient fund (Rs.6.28 crore).EnglishPerformance Audit of National AIDS Control Programme in Arunachal PradeshFor the Period 1998-99 to 2002-03Audit Report