CAG of India2023-11-132023-11-132001 performance review of functioning of Medical Department in Arunachal Pradesh, interalia, highlights defective budgeting, irregular deployment as well as utilisation of available manpower, thereby depriving a section of population of the state to avail the benefit of health care services, irrational deployment of Specialist and Dental Surgeons, establishment and running of 2 PHCs and 68 HSCs either with one Group ā€˜Dā€™ staff or having no staff at all, extra avoidable expenditure of Rs.47.21 lakh for procurement of medicine at higher rates, procurement of X-Ray Machines before completion of infrastructure and absence of any system to monitor and evaluate the working of the Department as a wholeEnglishPerformance Audit of Functioning of Medical Department in Arunachal Pradesh (1995-2000)For the Period 1995-96 to 1999-2000Audit Report