CAG of India2023-11-012023-11-012005 Public Health Department provides health services through a network of hospitals, community and primary health centres, sub-centres, rural medical dispensaries, homeopathic and ayurveda clinics. The Secretary (Health), the Director and five Deputy Directors of Health Services, a Joint Director of Accounts, Director of Administration and a Vigilance Officer are the officials responsible for implementation of various programmes including Family Welfare and Reproductive and Child Health Care. A performance review of the functioning of the Health Department covering the period 1999-2004 revealed that though the Department had achieved the targets under the family welfare and various disease control programmes it was slow in upgrading its infrastructure and facilities despite availability of funds. Its efficiency was adversely affected due to severe manpower shortage. Monitoring of the key areas of the Department such as upgradation of facilities and utilisation of Central funds was also poor. Regulatory measures to ensure sanitary conditions of buildings were not adequately prescribed or implemented. The system of Internal Audit was weak.EnglishPerformance Audit of Public Health Department in Goa (1999-2004)For the Period 1999-2000 to 2003-04Audit Report