CAG of India2023-10-242023-10-242009 performance audit of the implementation of NRHM in Tamil Nadu revealed that though baseline surveys were completed, Perspective Plans for the Mission, Annual Plans for districts, blocks and villages were not prepared regularly. Rupees 62 crore, meant for activities such as hiring private anaesthetists and paediatricians and providing facilities for basic emergency obstetrics and newborn care were not utilised in the seven test-checked districts. Funds amounting to Rs 53.95 crore were diverted from NRHM’s funds to various State and Central schemes during 2006-09. Block Primary Health Centres, Primary Health Centres and Health Sub Centres were not provided with adequate staff as per Indian Public Health Standards. None of the 21 test checked Block Primary Health Centres in the seven districts had blood storage facilities, 18 of the 21 Block Primary Health Centres and 41 of the 42 test checked Primary Health Centres did not have casualty rooms and 39 of the 42 Primary Health Centres did not have operation theatres. Against 1,242 personnel required for programme management units, only 52 persons were appointed. Spectacles were not supplied to 1,89,695 out of 3,53,575 children suffering from refractive errors during 2005-09.EnglishPerformance Audit of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in Tamil NaduForthe Period 2005-06 to 2008-09Audit Report