CAG of India2023-10-282023-10-2816-09-2017 Audit on Implementation of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme in Odisha covering the period 2011-16 showed that the expenditure was less than the budgetary provision by Rs 1,239.23 crore. Statement of Expenditure and Utilisation Certificates (UCs) submitted to GoI were based on treasury drawals and not on actual expenditure. In the sampled seven districts, Rs 102.77 crore remained unutilised with the District Social Welfare Officers as of March 2016. Funds were also not provided for supply of medicine kits and pre-school education (PSE) kits due to which the Department could not avail Central assistance of Rs 81.75 crore. Out of 38.39 lakh children considered eligible, 3.58 lakh (nine per cent) in the State were not provided Supplementary Nutrition. Supply of food stuff under the scheme was not managed properly, due to which instances of short/ non-supply of eggs and rasi ladu were observed. Quality control mechanism for Take Home Ration was not effective as sample test reports indicated supply of adulterated/ sub-standard/ unsafe chhatua to the beneficiaries. Stock management of wheat and rice under Supplementary Nutrition Programme was deficient. Misappropriation of rice was observed in 12 Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) under Joda (T) project. Out of the 82.03 lakh enrolled children, 5.56 lakh children (seven per cent) did not attend pre-school education. PSE kits and Nua Arunima work books were not supplied regularly. Health check-up was provided to only 30 per cent of the eligible children, 56 per cent of the pregnant women and 50 per cent of the nursing mothers in the State during 2011-16. Only 46 per cent of the severely malnourished children were referred to hospitals for treatment. Out of 71,306 AWCs in the State, only 28,187 (40 per cent) AWCs had dedicated ICDS buildings. The pace of construction of ICDS buildings was slow as only 14,059 (53 per cent) out of 26,690 buildings, sanctioned for construction during 2010-16 were completed. Due to non-submission of UCs to GoI for the funds sanctioned during 2013-14 for construction of AWCs, the Department could not avail of Central assistance of Rs 93.76 crore. The Department had not operationalised 1,281 AWCs even after 18 months of sanction under Anganwadi on Demand scheme. Seventy six per cent of AWCs had no toilet facilities. Infrastructure facilities at the AWCs were not adequate even after four decades of implementation of the scheme. Thirty one per cent of the posts in Supervisor cadre and 63 per cent in Statistical Assistants cadre were lying vacant as of March 2016. Monitoring and Supervision of implementation of the scheme was also not adequate.EnglishPerformance Audit of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in Odisha (2011-2016)For the Period 2011-12 to 2015-16Audit Report