Healthcare System Infrastructure

In this collection, we have archived several performance audit reports by CAG of India that looks at the infrastructure aspects behind Healthcare System, such as buildings, vehicles and medical equipment.


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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Himachal Pradesh
    (CAG of India, 21-12-2024) CAG of India
    As per National Family Health Survey reports, Health indicator1 of the State of Himachal Pradesh was better than national indicators for infant mortality rate, but poorer for sex ratio at birth for children in the last five years and average out-of-pocket expenditure per delivery in a public health facility. Considering the goals laid down in the National Health Policy (NHP), 2017 and experience in COVID-19 pandemic, a Performance Audit on “Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services” in the State of Himachal Pradesh was conducted to assess the adequacy of financial resources allocated, availability of healthcare infrastructure, human resources, drugs, medicines, equipment and other consumables in the health institutions as well as efficacy in the management of health services in the State. The Performance Audit also covered the adequacy and effectiveness of the regulatory mechanism being enforced by the Government to regulate public/private health sector, schemes being implemented by Government of India through the State Government and overall linkage with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG – 3). The audit was conducted for the period 2016-21 but wherever feasible, the data has been updated upto 2021-22 and in case of human resources, upto March 2023.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Maharashtra English Version
    (CAG of India, 21-12-2024) CAG of India
    The performance audit on “Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Maharashtra” was conducted to assess the availability of human resources, drugs, medicines, equipment and adequacy and quality of healthcare infrastructure in the State. The funding and expenditure under central and centrally sponsored health sector schemes, adequacy and effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms and the improvement in the health and well-being of people as per Sustainable Development Goal-3 were also assessed. Audit was conducted for the period 2016-17 to 2021-22 through test-check of records at PHD and MEDD.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Maharashtra (Marathi)
    (CAG of India, 21-12-2024) CAG of India
    Maharashtra is the second most populous and the third largest State in terms of area in the country. Providing adequate and quality healthcare services to a large population requires a robust healthcare infrastructure and services. Primary and secondary healthcare in Maharashtra is provided by the Public Health Department, Government of Maharashtra while tertiary healthcare is provided mostly by the Medical Education and Drugs Department, Government of Maharashtra. The Urban Development Department, Government of Maharashtra also provides primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare in urban areas through Municipal Corporations/Councils. Drugs, medicines and medical equipment were centrally procured and supplied to Public Health Department and Medical Education and Drugs Department through Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited, a Government of Maharashtra Company. The Performance Audit was conducted to assess the availability of human resources, drugs, medicines, equipment and the adequacy and quality of healthcare infrastructure in the State. The funding and expenditure under central and centrally sponsored health sector schemes, adequacy and effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms and the improvement in the health and well-being of people as per Sustainable Development Goal-3 were also assessed. Public health is a State subject and the States are expected to frame their own policies on the line of the National Health Policy to guide the development of the health sector. Government of Maharashtra is yet to frame a State-specific Health Policy. Audit noticed shortage of manpower at every level of the Health Care Institutions functioning under Public Health Department, and Medical Education and Drugs Department. The shortage of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff was 22 per cent, 35 per cent and 29 per cent respectively in primary and secondary healthcare under Public Health Department. Whereas in respect of Women Hospitals under Public Health Department the shortage of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff was 23 per cent, 19 per cent and 16 per cent respectively. There was also shortage of 42 per cent in the cadre of the specialist doctors under Public Health Department. The shortage of doctors, nurses and paramedics under Medical Education and Drugs Department was 37 per cent, 35 per cent and 44 per cent respectively. The overall shortage in the cadre of doctors, nurses and paramedics in the State under Public Health Department and Medical Education and Drugs Department was 27 per cent, 35 per cent and 31 per cent respectively. Audit also noticed regional disparity in the shortage of manpower. Similarly, the vacancies in the Trauma Care Centres under Public Health Department and Medical Education and Drugs Department were 23 per cent and 44 per cent respectively. The vacancies in the cadre of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff in AYUSH colleges and hospitals under Medical Education and Drugs Department was 21 per cent, 57 per cent and 55 per cent respectively. The sanctioned strength of doctors was less than the requirement as per Indian Public Health Standards, 2012 by 17 per cent under Public Health Department. Government may fill up the vacancies in the health sector in a time-bound manner to ensure optimal and qualitative delivery of healthcare services to public. Government may also increase the sanctioned strength of doctors under Public Health Department as recommended in Indian Public Health Standards.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure & Management of Healthcare Services in Karnataka - Kannda Version
    (CAG of India, 13-12-2024) CAG of India
    Access to healthcare services is a cause of major concern especially in public health institutions. Shortage of medical professionals, absence of facilities, lack of quality assurance and insufficient spending are few significant issues plaguing public health care. It is in this backdrop that the Performance Audit of Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Karnataka has been carried out during 2021-22, covering the period 2016-17 to 2021-22. This report attempts to assess the quality of health services and patient care services provided by the public health care facilities in the State.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure & Managment of Health Services in Karnataka
    (CAG of India, 13-12-2024) CAG of India
    Access to healthcare services is a cause of major concern especially in public health institutions. Shortage of medical professionals, absence of facilities, lack of quality assurance and insufficient spending are few significant issues plaguing public health care. It is in this backdrop that the Performance Audit of Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Karnataka has been carried out during 2021-22, covering the period 2016-17 to 2021-22. This report attempts to assess the quality of health services and patient care services provided by the public health care facilities in the State. SIGNIFICANT AUDIT FINDINGS The overall performance of the State in providing quality health care services, though satisfactory, had certain deficiencies. The observations noticed on the management of the services and health care infrastructure are summarized below: Adequacy of Human Resources There was shortage of about 45 and 53 per cent in respect of doctors/specialists and nurse cadres respectively in Taluk Hospitals (THs) in comparison with the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS), the shortage of specialists/doctors being significant in services such as General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia etc. There was asymmetric distribution of human resources in the test-checked hospitals. Policy framework for healthcare services The policy framework for hospital management in the State had gaps that need to be addressed. The State neither prepared its own norms/standards nor did it adopt those prescribed by the Government of India (GoI) in respect of outpatient and inpatient services, pathology investigations and human resources. This has and will continue to impact the availability of health care infrastructure and patient care services. The State did not have a documented procurement policy to ensure availability of essential drugs/medicines at all times, improve the existing system of procurement and supply of the drugs and quality assurance of drugs. Neither there was any policy and action plan for ensuring the proper assessment of the requirement of the medical equipment, timely procurement, distribution system and maintenance of equipment. Outpatient Services The availability of doctors was not proportionate to the outpatient load. This resulted in much higher OPD cases per doctor in the secondary HIs in comparison with other HIs. Non- availability of specialized doctors led to nonavailability of services like ENT, Pediatrician, etc., for substantial periods. Registration Counters available were not commensurate with the OPD load in test checked HIs. This could potentially lead to challenges in providing timely and appropriate medical care to patients seeking treatment. Inpatient Services IPD services such as ICUs beds were not adequate in most of the test checked health institutions as per IPHS guidelines. There was shortage of operation theatres in THs/CHCs and significant shortage of drugs and equipment in IPD and Emergency services. The absence of critical services and shortages in facilities and resources undermines patient well-being, compromise healthcare quality, and erode public trust in the healthcare system, exacerbating health disparities and economic burdens. Emergency Response and Health System Preparedness Drugs worth ₹17.79 crore required for preventing/curing of COVID-19 were yet to be supplied. The State incurred additional expenditure on procurement of PPE kits for COVID 19. There was significant delay in supply of the essential medical equipment and consumables at the time of emergency even after providing exemption under 4(a) of KTTP Act. Equipment worth ₹95.15 crore was yet to be supplied. MGPLS was not functional in few of the test checked HIs, fire safety audit was not conducted in the test checked HIs. These deficiencies collectively emphasize the critical need for a more streamlined and proactive approach. Maternity Services Maternity services lacked essential human resource, drugs and pathological investigation facilities. These deficiencies significantly hindered the hospitals' ability to effectively monitor the health of mothers and newborns, potentially impacting maternal and infant mortality rates. Newborns delivered through preterm labour remained at risk of serious postnatal complications and neonatal deaths. Support Services The provisioning of diagnostic services in the test checked hospitals was suboptimal, marred by inadequacy of prescribed equipment. Distinctive dietary requirements for different categories of patients were not ensured. Dietary services to the patients apart from the pregnant women were not provided in 10 test checked health institutions. These deficiencies could lead to delayed or inaccurate diagnoses, reduced emergency response effectiveness, compromised patient health due to improper nutrition, and overall lower quality of healthcare services provided by the hospitals. Auxiliary Services In the test checked health institutions, air and surface samples were not regularly taken for microbiological survey to check for infections. Cleaning and laundry services, despite outsourcing, were not satisfactory in most of the hospitals. Similarly, bio-medical waste management was inadequate. Most of the health institutions did not have SOPs/checklist for hygiene and infection control. The impact of inadequate hygiene and infection control practices in health institutions could be far-reaching, affecting patient outcomes such as well-being of the patients, health care workers. Management of Drugs and Equipment The drugs provided to the hospitals were short of their requirements as supplies were not commensurate with the indents by the hospitals. The system was unsuccessful in providing an unbroken supply of essential drugs to the patients in public health facilities as per its own prescribed Essential Drug List. Quality assurance of the drugs procured was compromised as the bulk of the drug supplies were accepted without the intimation of the quality test reports. There were delays in sending samples for testing and in communicating the test results rendering the quality mechanism ineffective. There were six instances where the results of the Drug Controller (certified as Not of Standard Quality) varied with the results of the empaneled laboratories. In these cases, 59 per cent of the drugs were consumed before receipt of test results. The quality mechanism was thus ineffective. The norms and parameters prescribed for storage of medicine were not adhered to. Due to non-availability of adequate storage facility, drugs/medicines were kept on the floors and without rack system. Improper assessment of requirement of medical equipment led to redistribution to the other health institutions, expiry of the warranty period even before the equipment could be put to use and the equipment lying idle. Health Care Infrastructure There was regional disparity in distribution of health care facilities in the State. The departments failed to operationalise the completed infrastructure which aggravated the problems of inadequate access to quality health care. Patient safety in the hospital premises was compromised on account of non-compliance with the disaster management guidelines and lack of proper fire safety arrangements in the test checked health institutions. The building and operational areas in the test checked health institutions were distributed as per the infrastructure available rather than prescribed plan and area. Due to delay in completion/non-handing over of buildings built at a cost of ₹228.36 crore, activities in the test checked health institutions were not commenced. The initiation of critical health care activities was hindered due to above factors and contributed to inadequate access to quality healthcare. Inadequate spending on the health care sector The average budget allocation for the period under review was 4.28 per cent, which was less than the percentage prescribed by the National Health Policy (NHP). The State’s expenditure on the health sector ranged between 0.60 to 0.77 per cent of GSDP during the period. The departments concerned failed to utilise the funds released, which affects the quality and accessibility of healthcare services across the State. Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes There was a delay in release of matching share by the State Government towards NHM programme. The utilisation was around 94 per cent of the funds available under the scheme. The utilisation of funds was not consistent due to limited implementation of various activities under the Quality Assurance Programme. Under Kayakalpa Scheme, the number of Health Institutions which received the award increased from 103 to 900 during 2016-21. Under LaQshya programme, as of October 2022, only 73 HIs have obtained State Certification and 46 HIs have obtained National Certification. Only 76 per cent of the claims received under PMJAY scheme were settled during the audit period and the funds provided under the scheme could not be utilised by the test checked units. Adequacy and effectiveness of regulatory mechanism Varying levels of deficiencies were observed in compliance/adherence of existing regulatory mechanisms. The functioning of regulatory bodies and implementation of norms and regulations was ineffective. Shortage of staff in the Drug Control Department hampered drug testing and reporting. Bio-Medical Waste management continues to remain a major challenge. Significant number of HIs were functioning without valid licenses/authorisation. The cumulative effects of these deficiencies could lead to long-term consequences, including chronic health issues, environmental degradation, and weakening of health institutions. Sustainable Development Goal - 3 The department established Monitoring and Coordination Committees, including a State-level Steering Committee, to formulate action plans for achieving SDGs. However, there was no dedicated fund allocation to address gaps in achieving SDG 3 targets. Despite performing relatively well compared to other states under SDG 3, Karnataka failed to meet its own targets. Concerns persist regarding the incidence of TB and the prevalence of tobacco use.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Healthcare Services in Tamil Nadu - Tamil Language Version
    (CAG of India, 10-12-2024) CAG of India
    Considering the importance of infrastructure and management of health services in ensuring a healthy nation and the priority accorded to health by both the Central and State Government, CAG took up this Performance Audit covering the activities during 2016-22. The objectives of this Audit were to assess the: (1) adequacy of the funding for healthcare, (2) availability and management of healthcare infrastructure, (3) availability of drugs, medicines, equipment and other consumables, (4) availability of necessary human resource at all levels, (5) effectiveness of implementing GoI schemes, (6) adequacy and effectiveness of the regulatory mechanisms for ensuring quality healthcare services and (7) achievements against Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 targets.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Tamil Nadu
    (CAG of India, 10-12-2024) CAG of India
    Considering the importance of infrastructure and management of health services in ensuring a healthy nation and the priority accorded to health by both the Central and State Government, CAG took up this Performance Audit covering the activities during 2016-22. The objectives of this Audit were to assess the: (1) adequacy of the funding for healthcare, (2) availability and management of healthcare infrastructure, (3) availability of drugs, medicines, equipment and other consumables, (4) availability of necessary human resource at all levels, (5) effectiveness of implementing GoI schemes, (6) adequacy and effectiveness of the regulatory mechanisms for ensuring quality healthcare services and (7) achievements against Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 targets. Major Findings More than 75 per cent of shortage was found in certain posts like in Block Extension Educator, Family Welfare Assistant/Educator, Lady Health Visitor, Maternity Child Health Officer etc., in the Directorate of Family Welfare. Recruitment of medical manpower lagged despite constituting a separate Board for recruitment of medical manpower. Further, large number of vacancies in the HCFs under the Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy would not augur well for popularizing alternative medicines, which is a policy of Government. GPS devices were not used in 25 per cent emergency calls resulting in non-availability of the details of ambulances that were in the vicinity of the accident/emergency site on a real-time basis. Thirty six per cent of total deliveries were performed through Lower Segment Caesarean Section (LSCS) during 2019-21 in Government HCFs against the all India average of only 14 per cent. There were non-supply/short supply of drugs to the hospitals. There were deficiencies such as procuring of short-expiry drugs, non-blacklisting of suppliers for deficiencies in supply, issues in quality control, etc. Lapses on the part of Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation (TNMSC) resulted in lifting of non-standard quality drugs for issue to the patients by Healthcare Facilities. The equipment at HCFs did not have a subsisting Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC). The Heads of the sampled hospitals did not monitor the performance of Bio-Medical Engineers and failed to furnish the list of equipment to TNMSC for arranging AMC. There were serious disconnect between the HCFs and the TNMSC in assessing the requirement and procuring only the required equipment resulting in procurement of unnecessary equipment. As against National Health Policy’s recommendation of earmarking eight per cent of the budget for health, Government spent only around five per cent of its budget for health. GoTN had no system to prioritise developmental activities based on gap analysis through formal facility survey. Huge unutilized funds, sanctioned for procurement of drugs and equipment, were held by TNMSC and Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicine Corporation Ltd (TAMPCOL). Due to the absence of a formal facility survey and gap assessment, GoTN could not prioritise the areas requiring development. The building constructed for the National Centre for Ageing was not commissioned for more than two years due to non-provision of required manpower and equipment. Janani Suraksha Yojana was not paid to 26 per cent out of all institutional deliveries in the sampled HCFs. Only 46 per cent of mothers who gave birth in Government HCFs in the State were provided transport to their residences by Government/outsourced vehicle under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram. There was in-ordinate delay of 21 years in framing Rules under the Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishments (Regulation) Act, 1997, leading to slackness in monitoring the working of private medical institutions. Government healthcare facilities were not proactive in getting certified under National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers and National Quality Assurance Standards, leading to non-institution of systems for ensuring the quality of service. GoTN did not monitor all the targets under SDG-3.
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    Performance Audit of Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Telangana (2016-2022)
    (CAG of India, 02-08-2024) CAG of India
    The Report contains significant results of the Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Telangana State, covering the period 2016-17 to 2021-22. The Performance Audit was carried out with a view to assess the adequacy of funding for health care, the availability and management of healthcare infrastructure and the availability of Drugs, Medicine, Equipment and other consumables. The Performance Audit also sought to examine the availability of necessary Human Resources at all levels, e.g., Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics etc., the implementation of various schemes of the Government of India including the assistance/grants/equipment received by the States and the State spending on Health and improvement of wellbeing conditions of people as per Sustainable Development Goal 3. Audit was conducted covering the period from 2016-17 to 2021-22 through a test-check of records in the Offices of the Secretary, Department of Health, Medical & Family Welfare; Managing Director, Telangana State Medical Services & Infrastructure Development Corporation; Commissioner, HM&FW and Mission Director, National Health Mission; Director of Public Health (DOPH); Director of Medical Education (DME); Commmissioner, Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad, Director of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy; District Hospitals (DHs) in the State; other test checked healthcare facilities included Sub Centres (SCs), Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Urban Primary Health Centres (UPHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs), Area Hospitals (AHs), Super Specialty Hospitals. Audit also covered Central Medicine Stores (CMSs); Hospitals of AYUSH; Pharmacies; Dispensaries and Government Medical Colleges with attached Teaching Hospitals in the test checked three Districts of Hyderabad, Mahabubnagar and Warangal. A Patients’ Survey, a Doctors’ Survey and a Joint Physical Verification of Health Institutions were undertaken during the course of the audit.
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    Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Chhattisgarh (2016-2022)
    (CAG of India, 26-07-2024) CAG of India
    The report contains results of Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Chhattisgarh state covering the period from 2016-17 to 2021-22. Why did we take up this audit? Chhattisgarh State ranks 10 out of 19 larger States in NITI Aayog’s Health Index for 2020. As per National Family Health Survey 5 (2019-21), the State was lagging behind the national average in respect of Neonatal Mortality Rate (32.40), Infant Mortality Rate (44.30), Under five Mortality Rate (50.40) and institutional births (85.8 per cent). Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) of Chhattisgarh though improved from 159 (2018) to 137 (2020) as per Sample Registration System (2018-20), it was far behind the national average of 97. National Health Policy (NHP) 2017 was adopted by Government of India (GoI) to inform, clarify, strengthen, and prioritise the role of the Government in shaping health systems in all its dimensions. Considering NHP 2017 and experience in COVID-19 pandemic, Performance Audit on “Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services” was conducted to assess the adequacy of financial resources allocated, availability of health infrastructure, manpower, drugs, and equipment in the healthcare institutions as well as efficacy in the management of health services in the State. The Performance Audit also covers the efficacy of the regulatory framework being enforced by the Government to regulate private health sector, central share/sector schemes being implemented by the GoI, through State Government and overall linkage with the Sustainable Development Goal–3. The Performance Audit was conducted for the period 2016-21 but wherever feasible, the data has been updated up to 2021-22 or later.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Construction of Residential Buildings at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital in Delhi
    (CAG of India, 30-06-2015) CAG of India
    Four newly constructed residential bungalows in Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital were not occupied for more than five years, rendering ₹ 1.26 crore incurred on construction of these bungalows, unfruitful.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Upgradation of PHC into CHC in Tatanagar, West Singbhum District, Jharkhand
    (CAG of India, 27-08-2015) CAG of India
    Delayed construction/upgradation of proposed Primary Health Centre building into Community Health Centre building rendered the expenditure of ₹1.92 crore unfruitful.
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    Idle Expenditure on Staff Quarters at CHC, Sarwan, Deoghar in Jharkhand
    (CAG of India, 27-08-2015) CAG of India
    Due to failure of Department to ensure suitability of site in compliance of Electricity rules, 1956 and subsequent non-shifting of 33 KV electric wires, staff quarters remained unoccupied resulting in idle expenditure of ₹ 1.71 crore.
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    Irregular and Avoidable Expenditure by Govt Medical College Haldwani on Outsourcing MRI Tests in Uttarakhand
    (CAG of India, 2015) CAG of India
    Government Medical College Haldwani irregularly incurred an avoidable expenditure of ₹ 58.62 lakh on outsourcing of services for reporting of MRI tests.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Construction of Dharamshalas at District Hospitals and Community Health Centres in Rajasthan
    (CAG of India, 05-09-2018) CAG of India
    Lack of planning at the Department level and coordination with the district units resulted in unfruitful expenditure of INR 3.33 crores on construction of dharmshalas at District Hospitals and Community Health Centres.
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    Unproductive and Unfruitful Expenditure on Five Healthcare Facilities in Jharkhand
    (CAG of India, 27-12-2018) CAG of India
    Failure of the Departments to provide funds, create posts, purchase equipment and ensure monitoring of the works led to unproductive and unfruitful expenditure of INR 11.30 crore on five incomplete and nonfunctional healthcare facilities.
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    Unauthorised Functioning of Healthcare Institutes and Loss of Revenue
    (CAG of India, 23-09-2021) CAG of India
    Failure to renew the licenses of the Nursing Homes/ Clinical establishments and recover the licenses renewal fee resulted in unauthorised functioning of these establishments and non-recovery of revenue of INR 0.44 crore.
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    Idle Expenditure Arising from Non Functional Multidisciplinary Research Units at Patiala Punjab
    (CAG of India, 27-02-2020) CAG of India
    Laxity on the part of the Department to complete the process of selection of staff for more than four years from receipt of funds from GoI not only resulted in idle expenditure of ` 0.76 crore on procurement of equipment but the objectives of the scheme also remained unachieved.
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    Idle Expenditure Arising from Non Functional Bhabhatron II Machine at Govt Medical College Patiala Punjab
    (CAG of India, 27-02-2020) CAG of India
    Non-provision of requisite manpower to make the Bhabhatron-II machine functional not only rendered the expenditure of INR 1.39 crore idle, but also denied the in-house treatment of advance cases of cancer for more than two years from its procurement.
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    Non Utilisation of District Training Centre for Women's Health Workers at Wazirpura Tonk Rajasthan
    (CAG of India, 06-03-2020) CAG of India
    District Training Centre with hostel facility for Women’s Health Workers, Wazirpura, Tonk was not utilized for 15 years since its completion and this resulted in unfruitful expenditure of INR 1.51 crore on its construction.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on OPD Cum Emergency Block at Jodhpur Rajasthan
    (CAG of India, 06-03-2020) CAG of India
    Expenditure of INR 3.67 crore on construction of Out Patient Department cum Emergency Block remained unfruitful due to improper planning and leaving the incomplete structure of no use.