Annual Survey of Industries

Attribute Details
About the dataset Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the principal source of industrial statistics in India. It provides statistical information to assess and evaluate the growth, composition, and structure of organized manufacturing sectors comprising activities like manufacturing processes, repair services, gas and water supply, and cold storage.
Start Year 1975
Latest Year 2020-21
Collecting Organization Industrial Statistics Wing, MOSPI, Govt. of India
Geographical Coverage India, covering units registered under various acts such as Factories Act, Companies Act, etc., including those listed in the Business Register of Establishments (BRE).
Granularity - Unit Level Data Village/Town
Granularity - Summary Data State
Gender Male/Female
Enumeration Cycle Yearly
Unit Level Data Availability Yes
Final Report Availability Yes
Enumeration Primary Unit Factory, Workshop, Undertaking/Licensee, Establishment
Exclusions Defense establishments, oil storage and distribution depots, railway workshops, RTC workshops, Govt. Mints, sanitary, water supply, gas storage
Schedule - Part 1 Data on assets and liabilities, employment and labor cost, receipts, expenses, input items, products and by-products, distributive expenses
Schedule - Part 2 Data on labor statistics including working days, man-days worked, absenteeism, labor turnover, man-hours worked
Unit of Measurement Value in Rs. Crore, Man days in Thousand, Others in Number
Variables Covered
  1. Number of factories
  2. Fixed capital
  3. Working capital
  4. Invested capital
  5. Outstanding loans
  6. Number of workers
  7. Mandays-workers
  8. Number of employees
  9. Mandays-employees
  10. Total persons engaged
  11. Wages to workers
  12. Total emoluments
  13. Provident & other funds
  14. Workmen & staff welfare expenses
  15. Fuels consumed
  16. Material consumed
  17. Total inputs
  18. Products and by-products
  19. Value of output
  20. Depreciation
  21. Net value added
  22. Rent paid
  23. Interest paid
  24. Net income
  25. Net fixed capital formation
  26. Gross fixed capital formation
  27. Addition in stock of materials, fuels, semi-finished goods, and finished goods
  28. Gross capital formation
  29. Profits


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