Performance Audit of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in Arunachal Pradesh (2005-10)
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CAG of India
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The performance audit of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in Arunachal Pradesh for the period 2005-2010 was conducted to ascertain its effectiveness. The performance review revealed that the overall impact of implementation of the scheme was far from satisfactory due to partial implementation of the programme. Programme implementation suffered as there were instances of poor quality and inadequate supply of Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) items. Following are the main audit findings:
- The excess creation of 54 projects and I 586 AWCs in violation of population norms resulted in excess expenditure of Rs 28.09 crore towards payment of salaries and honorarium of ICDS functionaries.
- Under Supplementary Nutrition Programme, 86,982 eligible children (42 percent) in 2005-06 and 91,997 children (43 percent) in 2006-07 were left uncovered, The coverage of expectant and nursing mothers declined from 61 per cent in 2005-06 to 47 per cent in 2009-10.
- Against the actual requirement of funds of Rs 71.50 crore under SNP, Rs 39.37 crore only was released by the State.
- Nutrition supplement was provided for 5 to 98 days in 2005-06, 18 to 106 days in 2006-07, 22 to 123 days in 2007-08, 30 to 108 days in 2008-09 and 15 to 71 days in 2009-10 against 300 days per year as per guidelines.
- There was short supply of SNP ration items worth Rs 2.16 crore during 2006-09 in 16 test-checked ICDS projects.
- Against the target for imparting training to 3844 4 AWWs and 2650 Helpers, training was imparted to only 1260 AWWs (33 percent) and 300 Helpers (11 percent).
- The Department incurred an extra expenditure of Rs 1.51 crore in procurement of utensils and SNP rations during 2007-08 and 2009-10.