Performance Audit of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in Gujarat (2006-2011)

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CAG of India
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The Government of India (GOI) launched (1975) the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) to promote holistic development of children, expectant and lactating mothers and adolescent girls through package services comprising supplementary nutrition, immunization, health checkups, nutrition and health education and informal pre-school education of children. The performance audit of implementation of ICDS in Gujarat for the period 2006-2011 revealed following deficiencies:

  1. Against the requirements of 75,480 Angan Wadi Centres (AWCs), 52,137 (69 per cent) AWCs were sanctioned and 50,225 AWCs were in operation in the State thereby a population of 1.87 crore was deprived of the benefits of ICDS. Though GoI directed (November 2008) State Government to submit proposal for additional projects based on revised population criteria, no proposal was forwarded by the State Government.
  2. In the 123 projects in eight test checked districts, basic amenities (building, safe drinking water and toilets) were not available in nine per cent to 40 per cent of the AWCs. Out of 3,333 AWCs proposed to be constructed from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) loan, only 1,979 AWCs were constructed.
  3. Though there were 223.16 lakh eligible beneficiaries under Supplementary Nutrition programme, 63.37 lakh beneficiaries were left out. As against the target of 300 nutrition days annually, shortfall in providing supplementary nutrition was up to 96 days. Every third child in the State was reported as underweight. Shortfall of 27 per cent to 48 per cent was noticed in the implementation of Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls.
  4. Records regarding immunization programme were not available with AWCs. Though funds for purchase of the medical kits were provided, the same were not purchased by the District Development Officers (DDOs).
  5. Of the 34.28 lakh children registered in the AWCs of selected districts, only 26.94 lakh children enrolled for pre-school education. There was shortfall in supply of pre-school kits. The tri-cycles procured for kids in the test checked district was of poor quality.
  6. As against the sanctioned strength of 54 Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs)/ Assistant CDPOs (ACDPOs) and 220 supervisors in selected projects, shortage of 20 CDPOs/ ACDPOs (37 per cent) and 19 Supervisors (nine per cent) was noticed. Shortfall up to 52 percent and 50 percent in field visits of CDPOs and Supervisors respectively was also noticed in test checked districts during 2007-12. Also, in 320 selected AWCs, there was shortfall up to 26 per cent visits of Anganwadi workers to households and there was negligible implementation of Information, Education and Communication component.
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