
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Trauma Care Centre at Etawah and Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh
    (CAG of India, 26-03-2015) CAG of India
    Unfruitful expenditure of ₹ 1.30 crore was incurred on Trauma Care Centres at Etawah and Fatehpur as the centres were not established even after four years of scheduled date of completion.
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    Non Functional Trauma Care Centres in Madhya Pradesh
    (CAG of India, 22-07-2015) CAG of India
    Trauma Care Centres established in Madhya Pradesh were not fully functional due to non-procurement/idling of equipment (₹ 1.05 crore), utilisation of funds for inadmissible items (₹ 0.71 crore), non-operation of ambulances and lack of manpower.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Non-Functional Trauma Care Centres in Gujarat
    (CAG of India, 19-09-2018) CAG of India
    Trauma Care Centre established at a cost of INR 1.59 crore could not be put to use due to non-appointment of Medical and Para-Medical Staff.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure Due to Non Functional Trauma Hospital at Khellani Jammu and Kashmir
    (CAG of India, 23-09-2020) CAG of India
    Failure of Health and Medical Education Department to make the Trauma Hospital Khellani functional through posting of necessary staff and provision of laboratory/ diagnostic facilities, operation theatre, blood bank and ambulance etc., has rendered the investment of INR 394.59 lakh unfruitful.
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    Idle Expenditure on Establishment of Trauma Care Centres in Maharashtra
    (CAG of India, 08-09-2020) CAG of India
    Trauma Care Centre at Vaijapur, District Aurangabad was not operational since last six years for want of electric supply resulting in idle expenditure of INR 1.66 crore.
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    Idle Expenditure on Establishment of Trauma Care Centres in Maharashtra (Marathi Version)
    (CAG of India, 20-09-2020) CAG of India
    Trauma Care Centre at Vaijapur, District Aurangabad was not operational since last six years for want of electric supply resulting in idle expenditure of INR 1.66 crore.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Trauma Care Centres in Assam
    (CAG of India, 12-07-2021) CAG of India
    Emergency trauma care facilities funded completely by the GoI were not operationalised by the Health Department for over eight years in five hospitals (Bongaigaon, Haflong, Diphu, Nalbari and Nagaon) due to non-deployment of requisite manpower leading to non-achievement of the objectives of the scheme and idle expenditure of `7.32 crore. TCCs at Guwahati and Silchar Medical Colleges were made functional with contractual staff.
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    Non Functioning of Trauma Care Centres in Himachal Pradesh
    (CAG of India, 15-03-2022) CAG of India
    Department failed to establish envisaged trauma centres in five hospitals even after incurring expenditure of INR 10.61 crore. There was further idling of funds of INR 7.81 crore with these hospital authorities for 30 to 57 months.
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    Unfruitful Expenditure on Construction of Eight Trauma Care Centres in Rajasthan
    (CAG of India, 22-09-2022) CAG of India
    Non-commencement of Trauma Care Centres for more than seven years after construction of the buildings not only resulted in unproductive expenditure of INR 5.45 crore but also deprived the accident victims from immediate life-saving treatment.
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    Performance Audit of Trauma Care Centres in Andhra Pradesh
    (CAG of India, 2011) CAG of India
    The Government of India envisaged (November 1999) a scheme for developing a network of Trauma Care Centres (TCCs) along the Golden Quadrilateral, to provide emergency treatment to accident victims. The scheme involved provision of financial assistance for upgradation and strengthening of emergency facilities in State hospitals located on National Highways. The hospitals designated by the State Government and approved by GoI, were to be upgraded to Levels I to IV within a period of twelve months from the date of sanction. The grants covered various components like civil works, equipment, manpower, communication systems, training, legal assistance, etc. depending on the level of upgradation of a particular hospital. In Andhra Pradesh, 17 hospitals (Level-II: 9; Level-III: 8) were selected (2004-09) for upgradation as TCCs at a cost of INR 125.25 crore. As of August 2011, GoI released INR 49.08 crore to these hospitals. This performance audit reviewing the period 2004-05 to 2010-11 revealed that none of the 17 TCCs were fully operational as of August 2011 due to non-completion of civil works or, where the civil works had been completed, equipment had not been procured or, required manpower had not been put in place. Thus, the objective of providing basic life support and emergency care in the golden hour i.e., first hour of injury to accident victims in the Golden Quadrangle within Andhra Pradesh remains unachieved even after the lapse of over two to five years of necessary sanctions having been accorded by GoI.