Performance Audit of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in Mizoram (2005-2008)

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CAG of India
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The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by the GOI in April 2005. A mid-term review of the implementation of the programme in the third year of the Mission period (2005-12) in Mizoram is an attempt to highlight areas of concern, which need to be addressed by the State Government for successful implementation of the Mission Objectives. Performance review of implementation of NRHM in Mizoram revealed that the State Mission has performed satisfactorily in controlling of tuberculosis, leprosy and iodine deficiency. The review, however, also revealed that the State Mission failed to conduct household/facility survey to make rural health centres fully functional with the requisite manpower and other infrastructural facilities. Planning for the implementation of the programme was ineffective and consequently, the objectives of the scheme could not be fully realized even after three years of its implementation. The review also revealed short release of funds, non release of State matching share, under utilisation of the available funds, mismanagement of funds, shortage of manpower in key posts, inadequate infrastructural facilities, arbitrary procurement practices, insufficient stock of drugs and vaccines, lack of attention to endemic areas, undue financial benefit to the suppliers, diversion of funds and non fulfillment of the objectives of the scheme.

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