Tribal Sub Plan Schemes
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Item Performance Audit of Tribal Sub Plan All India Report (2008-2014)(CAG of India, 08-12-2015) CAG of IndiaIn view of specific provisions contained in the Constitution of India for protection and development of Scheduled Tribes, a number of legislative and executive measures have been taken by the government since independence. Successive five year plans attempted to bridge the gap between the living conditions of the general population and the Scheduled Tribes. The main aim of the TSP strategy formulated by the central Government in 1970s was to narrow the development gaps of the tribal population with the rest of the country. Tribal sub plan in fact, is a planning strategy and not a programme by itself, incorporating, at present, 28 ministries and departments and its implementing agencies at the central and state levels. We had received requests from various stake holders including parliamentarians, stressing that an audit of programmes and schemes meant for comparatively backward sections of society especially schedule tribes was called for. In the past Audit Reports containing findings on programmes and schemes for benefit of scheduled caste (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) were submitted by us but Tribal Sub‐Plan, as such had not been the focus area of any of our recent Reports. TSP guidelines were extensively revised in the year 2010. We therefore decided to take up this audit during 2014‐15. Auditing TSP was challenging due to its vast scope. We have, therefore, focussed on selected components of education and health sectors only. This Report contains result of audit of the implementation of TSP and delivery of schemes and programmes funded through it for the benefit of tribal population. We noted that the earmarked TSP funds under various schemes and programmes of 28 central ministries and departments were not channelized at the state level for utilisation towards the benefit of tribals. Our audit of sample districts with significant Scheduled Tribes presence noted absence of need based planning for tribals leading to deficient infrastructure and facilities for health care and lack of support to ST students in critical areas of education sector. The Report brings out in detail the status of implementation of TSP strategy and makes recommendations for its better governance. This report has been prepared for submission to the President under Article 151of the Constitution of India. The audit has been conducted in conformity with the auditing standards issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.Item Performance Audit on Tribal Sub Plan Schemes in Education and Health Domains in Chhattisgarh (2011-2014)(CAG of India, 25-07-2015) CAG of IndiaThe policy of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), initiated in the Fifth Five Year Plan period (1974-1979), is a critical initiative in closing the development gap between the Scheduled Tribe (ST) as compared to others. The strategy was to direct plan resources across Central Ministries in Government of India and departments in states at least in proportion to their population at the National and State level respectively. In the present performance audit of TSP, nine Education and Health related schemes implemented by two departments, School Education and Health & Family Welfare were covered for the period 2011-12 to 2013-14. The major audit findings are: 1. TSP funds released by Government of India and State Government were mixed at implementing agency level with General & Scheduled Caste Sub Plan funds. Due to this, segregation and tracking of expenditure of TSP funds was not possible. No mechanism was established by the departments to monitor the category wise expenditure to ensure that the TSP funds are being spent for intended purpose. (Paragraph 2. Contrary to Sarva Siksha Abhiyan scheme guidelines, no special training for non-tribal teachers to work in tribal areas, including knowledge of tribal dialect was provided. School text books were not prepared in local languages. (Paragraph 3. Enrolment of student in Sarva Siksha Abhiyan was inadequate as compared to ST population in the five test-checked blocks. Uniforms were not provided to any ST students in 17 test-checked Secondary Schools under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan. (Paragraphs and 4. There was shortfall in achieving targets set for National Rural Health Mission programme of Immunization and Institutional deliveries. In 24 blocks, First Referral Units, set up for obstetrics and new born care, were functioning without gynecologist (12), anesthetist (18) and blood storage facility (10). Further, no specialist was posted in nine community Health Centres against 51 sanctioned posts. {Paragraphs, (1) and(2),} 5. Out of 722 works, 349 were in progress and 143 could not be started which resulted into blockage of funds of ₹ 24.06 crore in test-checked districts. {Paragraph (1)}Item Performance Audit on Tribal Sub Plan Schemes in Education and Health Domains in Jharkhand (2011-2014)(CAG of India, 27-08-2015) CAG of IndiaThe Government of India (GoI) initiated the concept of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) to reduce the developmental gap between Scheduled Tribes (ST) and other sections of societies by allocating plan resources at least in proportion to the ST population. Eight health and education related schemes, which have TSP components, were selected for review since these focus on human resource development. Schemes selected under Education Sector were (i) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), (ii) Mid Day Meal (MDM) Scheme and (iii) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and under Health Sector were (i) Immunisation, (ii) Flexi Pool, (iii) Infrastructure Maintenance Scheme (IMS), (iv) National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) and (v) National Programme for Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE). The performance audit was conducted for the period from 2011-12 to 2013-14 We noticed that there was no separate planning for TSP categories in respect of concern schemes. Also no separate records were maintained for fund released under TSP component and there was absence of mechanism for segregation and tracking of expenditure exclusive for TSP. There was delay in release of state share of funds under SSA Scheme. Contrary to the scheme guidelines, text books in local languages (Kurukh, Santhali, Kharia, Mundari and Ho) were not printed and distributed to tribal children under SSA. Free uniforms to students were not distributed during 2011-12 and 2013-14 and were distributed late in 2012-13 under SSA. Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) for implementation of MDM Scheme were drawn up without considering actual needs at school level which resulted in short allocation of food grains as well as cooking cost. There was short achievement of targets under immunisation of children. Action Plans for implementation of NPCDCS and NPHCE for the year 2011-13 were not prepared and prescribed services envisaged in the programme were not provided to the beneficiaries due to non-availability of sufficient space in the hospitals and non-recruitment of medical and para-medical staff.Item Performance Audit on Tribal Sub Plan Schemes in Education Domain in Madhya Pradesh(CAG of India, 22-07-2015) CAG of IndiaTribal Sub Plan (TSP) was initiated by the Government of India (GoI) during the Fifth Five-Year Plan period. TSP is seen as critical in bridging the development gap between the ST people and others, with direct plan resources across the Union Ministries and Departments in the States at least in proportion to the ST population. For Education Sector, GoI allotted funds under TSP for implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), National Programme of Mid Day Meal (NPMDM) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan (RMSA) in Madhya Pradesh. The SSA was introduced (2003) for implementation of Universal Elementary Education (UEE) for children in the age group of 06-14 years with greater emphasis on girls. Primary and Upper primary level education is provided under this Programme. The NPMDM was introduced (1995) for providing nutritional support and increasing attendance of children in schools. RMSA(launched in 2009) was implemented to widen the secondary level education with emphasis on enrolment of girls, Schedule Caste (SCs) and Scheduled Tribe (STs) in the age group of 14-18 years. Main audit findings are as mentioned below: 1. Optimum utilisation of funds was not ensured and persistent savings during the period 2011-14 was observed in SSA, RMSA and NPMDM. 2. Preparation of Annual Work Plan and Budget of NPMDM and submission to GoI for approval was delayed affecting timely release of Central funds. 3. Despite implementation of SSA, there were 33,000 ‘out of school’ children; of them 13,000 could not be brought into mainstream during the year 2013-14 in the tribal districts. In the test-checked schools drop out rate of ST children was higher than that of the total children of all categories. 4. Availability of basic amenities and infrastructure such as drinking water, girl toilets, utensils, furniture in schools was inadequate under SSA and NPMDM. 5. Under RMSA, 13 per cent habitations were not covered with high schools within the radius of five kilometres as of March 2014.Item Performance Audit on Tribal Sub Plan Schemes on School Education and Nutrition Components in Tamil Nadu (2011-2014)(CAG of India, 25-09-2015) CAG of IndiaThough allocations were made in Annual Plan Outlays and State Budgets for Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) in proportion to Scheduled Tribe (ST) population of the State, utilisation of TSP funds by Government departments was not optimal and percentage of unutilised TSP funds to budget provisions ranged between 23 and 40. TSP funds provided under the School Education and Nutrition components were not utilised to the extent of 32 to 66 per cent and 28 to 35 per cent respectively. Literacy rate of the State increased from 73.5 per cent in 2001 to 80.1 per cent in 2011 whereas the increase was from 41.5 per cent in 2001 to 54.3 per cent in 2011 in respect of STs. As per 2011 Census figures, 12.5 per cent of 1,32,711 ST children in age group of 7 to 14 years were out-of-school children. Delay in construction of school buildings was noticed in test-checked districts.